Putting Housing Back at the Forefront of the National Conversation
Eric’s family purchased a Habitat for Humanity home in the Florida farming community of Immokalee, Florida, which among many other things, provided stability and quiet. Eric recently earned a full […]
Housing Groups Should Expand to Repair Work to Help Seniors Age in Place
Before school Oliver used to collect baskets of wood that his father would sell. That was his way of contributing to the effort of saving money for a lot on […]
Neighborhood Investment Doesn’t Have to Mean Displacement
The word “gentrification” is a loaded one and has a host of negative implications for people in the housing field, as well as for the people who live in neighborhoods […]
What Have We Learned a Decade after the Gulf Coast Hurricanes?
As the housing community reflects in August on the tenth anniversary of hurricanes Katrina and Rita, what are the lessons we've learned from those disasters and the ones that followed? […]
The Ripple Effects of Having a Stable Home
“Homeownership increases a chance that a child will stay in school by up to 9 percent for low-income families,” said Vice President Joe Biden at a forum in April co-hosted […]
Transforming Communities Through Residential Energy Efficiency
Too many people are forced to choose between paying to heat and cool their homes or paying for medicine, food and other necessities.
Making the Connections Between Housing and Health
In December, President Barack Obama signed into law the Senator Paul Simon Water for the World Act that offers health, and dignity to millions of people through access to life-saving water and sanitation. The focus of this legislation will not cost taxpayers a penny more; it simply makes U.S. investment in existing programs smarter, more […]
Housing Microfinance: So Little Changes So Much
Housing in the developing world is a process. Families may replace a dirt floor with a clean, hard surface. They might reinforce the walls or the roof to prevent water from seeping through the cracks when it rains. They may build an additional room after welcoming a new child into the world or build a […]