Jamaal Green

6 Posts

Jamaal Green is a doctoral degree candidate at Portland State University in the Toulan School of Urban Studies and Planning studying economic development and equity planning. His specific interests include the intersections of land-use and economic development policy and the role that planning can play in mitigating social and political inequality.

Time for a Job Guarantee

In various economic pundit conversations on Twitter, the new target of scorn is Universal Basic Income (UBI). Supporters of UBI (at least those who identify as being more left-leaning) posit […]


It’s Time to Talk about Cops

I don't need to revisit the hundreds of police killings around this country over the past few years (not to mention the dozens of recorded encounters) to know that we […]


There’s No Shortage of Low Quality Housing

In two recent posts, Emily Washington at Market Urbanism (part 2 here) argues that middle class sensibilities, with regard to housing, pose a significant barrier to the construction of affordable units […]

Warehouse-style buildings.

For Cities, Industrial Land Matters

In a recent blog post, Tarry Hum, a professor of urban studies at Queens College, profiled the failure of the De Blasio administration to preserve prime industrial spaces in the […]


The “Both/And” of the Housing Debate

Paul Krugman, the darling of progressive policymakers in the U.S., weighed in on the urban housing question recently, coming down firmly on the side of other economists in placing rising […]


What the “New” Housing Advocates Miss

Today’s housing supply advocates should look at the political and legal histories behind opening up the suburbs and embrace fair housing law as one tool in the fight to gut exclusionary zoning.