Fernando Marti

7 Posts

Fernando Marti is co-director of the Council of Community Housing Organizations, a coalition of affordable housing and community economic development advocates in San Francisco.

Putting in the Labor to Support Affordable Homes

With notoriously high housing costs in San Francisco pushing workers across occupations out of the city and into long commutes, the value of alliances between housing advocates and labor organizers are becoming increasingly clear.

YIMBY Action members chant over activists of color during an counter protest in California.

YIMBY, White Privilege, and the Soul of Our Cities

A common narrative being promoted about why there is a housing crisis ignores history and serves to assuage new residents’ guilty feelings. But we can craft a new narrative together.

California homes aerial

Tackling Exclusionary Housing Policy in California

Diving into the issue of exclusionary practices that have exacerbated the housing crisis and offering some policy solutions.

Up-close pieces of the unprinted sides of a puzzle.

A Jobs-Housing Fit

The Bay Area can benefit from a clearer framework for understanding what the housing needs of our region actually are and evaluating how housing production is meeting those needs. A Jobs-Housing Fit is that framework.


Poem: “What Must Be Done”

Do not hate them. Do not be angry with them: The real estate agents, appraising the value of other peoples lives, calculating the profit that someone’s home of twenty years, […]


Renters Rising

How San Francisco’s housing movement turned an assault on renters into a victory


Public Lands in the Community’s Hands

Last month, PODER (People Organized to Demand Environmental and Economic Rights) achieved another victory in the fight for a more just and equitable San Francisco—getting a commitment from the city […]