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Corianne Payton Scally

18 Posts

Corianne Payton Scally is a principal research associate in the Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center at the Urban Institute where she explores affordable housing and community development policy and practice from large cities to rural towns.
Young female volunteer in mask gives an elderly man boxes with food near his house. Quarantined, isolated.

Blame Policies, Not Places, for Poor Health

Shifting blame from people to ZIP codes is not enough to create healthy communities. Here’s how to do better.


The Rental Housing Crisis Is a Rural Issue Too

Much like urban communities, rural communities also face critical housing issues like rental shortages, a lack of federal and private funding to build new units, and the impending loss of affordability restrictions. Here’s what could help.


What to Do When Environmental and Housing Needs Collide

San Francisco is making headlines for its new height restrictions limiting development along their waterfront, which some (including the Sierra Club) argue is an environmentally-conscious decision. The passage of Proposition […]


The Effects of NIMBY and How to Overcome Them

This is Part 4 in a series on NIMBY and affordable housing. To catch up on the rest of the series, read Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. —- […]


Defeating NIMBY With Incentive Housing Zones

Speed-dating for affordable housing? Why not? The Partnership for Strong Communities and its HOMEConnecticut program are playing matchmaker on Monday, May 12, between experienced affordable housing developers and towns hoping to woo […]


Who, Why, and How Communities Oppose Affordable Housing

The results of a survey of affordable housing developers in New York State and their experiences with communities that oppose affordable housing.


NIMBY: Where, When, And to Which Developers It Happens

Looking at how affordable housing developers deal with community opposition, we tackle the issue of the timing of opposition and developer responses. 


New York State’s Affordable Housing Developers: What They Do, How They Do It

In the first part of our series, we ask affordable housing developers in NYC how they deal with community opposition and how they overcome it.


Can Better Messaging Overcome NIMBY?

The affordable housing industry is increasingly focused on clear and effective messaging as the means of convincing skeptical bystanders to support more funding and regulations to increase supply and subsidies. […]


What the Shutdown Reveals About U.S. Housing Priorities

Leading up to the federal shutdown that began at midnight Sept. 30, there was a lot of speculation about what that would mean for various housing and community development programs. […]

Community Development Field

5 (More) Things Dividing the Government and CDCs

I was recently in a room with representatives from government, banks, private developers, and CDCs for a conversation about community development needs. Those in the room expressed frustration with government […]

Community Development Field

Coming Together…And Staying Together

Lessons from three decades of state CDC network formation.