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Corey McDonald

3 Posts

Corey McDonald is a journalist and writer based in Vermont.
The Portside Towers apartments is on the waterfront in Jersey City.

Even When Rent Control Is in Effect, Tenants Need to Stay Vigilant, Jersey City Fight Shows

Facing 25 to 50 percent rent increases, tenants at two apartment towers fought to get the city to enforce its longstanding rent control ordinance. A year later, they earned a win that could result in millions being paid back to them in rent overpayments.

Close view of part of a closed door, showing a mail slot above two small signs, and below them, a buzzer. One sign is the universal icon for accessibility: a wheelchair. The other says, "Please ring bell for attention."

Why Aren’t Homeless Shelters Accommodating People Who Have Disabilities?

With homelessness on the rise, the U.S. shelter system is ill-equipped to accommodate disabled occupants.


Hands Off the Houses: Can We Stop Speculative Land Grabs?

From the macro scale to the micro scale, there are many ways in which the housing market playing field is tilted toward financial firms—and many ways being proposed to start to tilt it back.