Christopher Herbert, managing director of the Joint Center, smiles for the camera.

Christopher Herbert

3 Posts

Christopher Herbert is the managing director at the Joint Center for Housing Studies of Harvard University. The center, a collaborative venture of the Graduate School of Design and the John F. Kennedy School of Government, conducts research on the nation’s most critical housing and urban issues.

In Defense of the 30 Percent of Income to Housing Affordability Rule–In Some Cases

At an individual level, the 30 percent standard and the residual-income standard can produce very different results. But as a regional measure of affordability problems, they’re not so far apart.


Meeting the Housing Needs of an Aging Population

Our aging population is more economically and ethnically diverse than any before, and will require a greater and more varied inventory of housing stock.


Housing Recovery, But Not For All

Our annual report, The State of the Nation’s Housing 2013, issued last June, documented the growing evidence of a solid recovery in the housing market, marked most visibly by widespread […]