Amy T. Khare

4 Posts

Amy T. Khare is the research director of the National Initiative on Mixed-Income Communities and research assistant professor at the Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at Case Western Reserve University. Khare was the principal consultant on the Cost of Segregation project. She received her doctorate from the University of Chicago.
Mixed-income communities. Image of balance scales.

Three Local Policy Innovations that Promote Inclusive, Equitable Mixed-Income Communities

Making inclusion and equity a reality in more American metropolitan areas is possible. Doing so requires innovations in local, regional, and state policies related to mixed-income communities.

communities exercise-people with sign
Community Development Field

Prioritizing Inclusion and Equity in the Next Generation of Mixed-Income Communities

An introduction to a new series of essays on mixed income communities that will comprise the fifth volume in the San Francisco Fed’s ‘What Works’ series.

Putting the “Public” Back into Public Housing: A Justice-oriented Agenda

This post is part of a Shelterforce series called Letters to the Next President. Most policymakers, elected officials and advocates would agree that public housing has been transformed but also […]

Community Development Field

We Still Have the Power

What do activists, policy makers, advocates, scholars, and citizens of other countries do to surmount the challenges that face us here? What knowledge and wisdom can we import? What can we export?